Helping women photographers document
their lives and find creative fulfillment with clarity, confidence, and ease.

Daily creativity will change your life.

Even when we don’t see it, our lives are rich with the great fullness of our humanity. The practice of noticing, of appreciating, of attuning ourselves to the great bounty of our experience teaches us just how much there is to see and feel in any moment.

TDH has guided hundreds of photographers – professionals and enthusiasts alike – through daily photography projects since 2020. In 2024, we’re pausing our coaching programs, but we’re still here to support your creative journey. Join us on Substack for a free weekly email with tips and encouragement for your daily creativity practice or catch the latest episode of our podcast, The Documented Heart, anywhere you find your favorite podcasts.

Truly committing to creative growth requires a deep mindset shift about what’s possible for yourself, and how you’re willing to show up for yourself, each and every day. 

Choose your path

The Coaching Newsletter
Paid subscription, once a week

Paying subscribers receive my weekly Business & Creativity Coaching newsletter which includes answers to questions about running a sustainable photography business, finding creative fulfillment, guided mindset coaching, and much more.

Perfect for aspiring and established photographers and creative entrepreneurs.

The 365 Weekly Newsletter
Free, once a week

No matter where you’re at in your artistic journey or 365 project, we’ll help guide you in documenting your life. Subscribe to follow along, and get the weekly newsletter delivered to your inbox in 2023.

Perfect for the casual photo-taker, and those interested in starting and sustaining a daily creative practice.

We believe that daily photography can change your life. Really.

We’ve helped countless aspiring photographers find clarity and confidence while completing their TDH experience. But don’t just take our word for it.

I enrolled in this program to improve my photography, to document our daily lives, and to prove to myself that I could complete a P365. Check, check, and check.

One of the things I enjoyed about this workshop was the group coaching calls. They provided an opportunity for everyone to discuss topics like what makes a good (or bad) photo, scarcity vs abundance, resistance, commitment, and our creative experiences. Hearing everyone's unique perspective was interesting and insightful.

This program is about so much more than the daily practice of taking a photo. It’s also about a journey of self-discovery. I don’t know how it happens, it’s just magical. The process of slowing down and being intentional about taking a photo has spilled over into other parts of my life.

Kristyn always reminds us that it’s a 1% change that makes space for huge shifts. When I look back on the past year, I have had several major changes. If you feel that this program is calling you, don’t miss this opportunity. It will change your life in ways you can’t even imagine.

Dana N.

Diane D.

When I first signed up for TDH2020, it had been 10 years since I had last completed a 365 project. In that time a lot in my life changed. I was back to working full time outside the home, my kids were teenagers and older and had zero interest in being my muse.

I knew there was beauty in my life, but didn’t know how to capture it. I was overwhelmed with perfectionism paralysis.

My brain was in overdrive with unanswered questions: what will I photograph? Who is it for? Is it even worth it? Are my photos even any good?  Am I worth it? What’s the actual point?  All of those questions and more were answered.

The space Kristyn has created is unlike any other I’ve been honored to be in. She and the other students are warm, welcoming, understanding, loving, and encouraging in all the best ways. In my first 365, I grew technically in my photography. In TDH I grew as a human that is also a photographer. And I couldn’t be more grateful.

Terri G.

When I started with The Documented Heart (TDH), all I knew was that I wanted to commit to making creativity a focus for my life in the coming year.

I feel this experience has opened up new ways of looking at myself and the world, and I find I take note more often—of just about everything. I stop more to take in a scene, notice a small detail, soak up fleeting moments.

This experience amplified everything—helping me to clear away the clutter in my mind (not totally gone but getting there!) and make space for what really matters to me.

While TDH might be simplified as a daily photo project, it’s so, so much more; I can honestly say the experience thus far has been nothing short of inspiring and transformative. 

Kelli S.

The Documented Heart was the best decision that I made [in 2020]. Taking a photo a day not only helped me find my creative voice, but it also deepened my photography skills, while also giving me a portfolio that I’m proud of.

Looking back through my years’ work, I see my growth as an artist and as a person.

This project taught me to see – to see the beauty in the chaos, to see myself as an artist, and to see and appreciate all of the ‘little’ moments that make life so big and grand.

For me, this was more than just a photography mentorship.

Kristyn’s thoughtful questions led me through a year-long exploration of getting to know myself, my family, and the world around me.

In short, this was a 365-day long therapy session from behind and beyond the lens and It. Was. Amazing!!!

Lindsey R.

Kristyn’s 365 program was eye-opening.

The act of taking a photo every day for a year was a challenge, but the end result was taking notice of the tiny moments around you and the myriad of feelings that surface throughout the day.

I started the journey trying to perfect the craft of photography, but slowly learned that the journey was so much more important and revealing, and Kristyn’s guidance and mentorship were key as I unlocked the idea that photos don’t have to be perfect to have meaning.

Katie H.

Before I started TDH, I was unsure of myself, my skills, and absorbed in the stresses of day-to-day life.

Initially, I felt intimidated to sign up as simply a hobby photographer, and I didn’t know if I would be able to hang with everyone else. However, despite my hesitation, I took a leap and joined the guided group. I am so glad that I did!

This experience allowed me to slow down and spend a few moments of each day just noticing. I learned how to roll with the good days, the bad days and everything in between.

By leaning into my creativity, I gained more confidence and appreciation for all of wonderful things life has to offer. TDH is transformative and it was one of best things I’ve done for myself. It is astonishing the positive impact a daily practice can have on your self worth.

Listen to the Podcast

In each episode we explore how to make space for creative fulfillment and what we can learn by documenting this life in all its messy magic.

Find the show wherever you like to listen.

Catch up on Season 1 now!